Overnight Oats: The Trend That’s Actually Healthy

Health trends are a dime a dozen with so many opinions out there as to what’s healthy and what isn’t, what will help you lose weight and what won’t, etc.  One recent fad that we are excited about around here involves overnight oats.  The basic concept is soaking raw oats overnight and adding healthy mix-ins for a tasty breakfast the next day.


A mason jar is ideal for the process, scooping in the oats with equal parts of a liquid to achieve a creamy consistency without cooking them.  Lemon water can be used and the acid helps with digestion. Milk and yogurt can also be used; personally, I’ve found that almond milk is a healthier alternative without sacrificing the creaminess of regular cow’s milk and is a good option for a vegan diet.


Next add some of your favorite fruits and or nuts.  There are a ton of recipes around the internet but we’ve found that keeping it simple sometimes is the best way to go.  Try mixing banana slices with a scoop of chunky, all-natural peanut butter (yum!) You may also want to try some natural maple syrup as a sweetener.  Once you find your favorite mix, seal the jar (or container) and place in the refrigerator overnight for at least 5 hours (as you sleep on your My Green Mattress bed).  The next morning you can eat it cold but we prefer to place the mason jar in hot water to warm it up first.  The best thing about these oats is that there are no rules other than having equal parts oats and liquid so explore with your taste buds.


The benefits of these overnight oats are plentiful.  The oats are a heart-healthy food that helps fight cholesterol.  Not only that but you will feel fuller after enjoying this treat, which will help you fight bad food urges.  These are also a time saver.  Often, we find ourselves with more time to spare at the end of our days and are rushed in the mornings.  Preparing these ahead of time allows you to get in a quick breakfast before leaving the house or grabbing them on the go.